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Discover Divine Wisdom, Find Clarity, and Embrace Your True Purpose

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25,000 Miles of Channeling  Sarah Tour

This tour is starting in the Summer of 2024!!

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The 25,000 Miles of Channeling Sarah Tour 

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August 15, 2024 

Thank you For Heaven's Sake for hosting Sarah! We traveled 1,534 miles. 


Total Miles: 1,534

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October 3, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Michelle will be at Resonnant Essentials Esoteric School of Metaphysics 

                              2703 Broadbent Parkway NE Suite J, Albuqerque, NM 87107


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October 4, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

Michelle will be at Prana Blessings, 1925 Rosina St., Unit C, Santa Fe, NM 87505


About Sarah 

I'm excited to introduce a profoundly enlightening experience with Sarah, who once walked with Jesus and knows his divine teachings. Through my channeling of Sarah's celestial wisdom, you'll receive spiritual messages that resonate deeply within. Sarah's insights reflect the timeless truths and profound love that Jesus shared. Each message is a beacon of light, offering guidance, clarity, and a deeper connection with the divine. She provides unique messages tailored to your spiritual journey, helping you transform and remember your true purpose as a dimensional being.

Christ Consciousness

Let's explore Jesus' teachings of universal love and acceptance, transcending judgment and fostering a more compassionate and inclusive world.


Sarah's Teachings




Are you ready to host this enlightening experience? 

I'm seeking spiritual centers, studios, retreat centers, or private homes to host a transformative channeling service. This will be an unforgettable experience for your clients!


Sarah's sessions offer profound empowerment and healing on their spiritual journey, providing a deeper connection to themselves and the universe. Each session includes ancient wisdom, guidance, and a Q&A portion. Attendees can also sign up for six months of follow-up classes to integrate what they've learned.

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Subscribe to Sarah's You Tube Channel

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